pernah menarik perhatian seseorang gak,guys? misalnya aja anda lagi di depan kelas lalu berteriak "HI GUYS" atau anda memanggil nama teman anda dengan nada yang cukup keras? dengan itu saja kalian sudah menarik perhatian banyak orang. tapi sebenarnya banyak loh guys cara-cara menarik perhatian seseorang bahkan tanpa kalian sadari, pasti kalian sering banget tuh menarik perhatian seseorang ....

Gaining attention is a way or expression that is spoken so that other people will pay their attention to that we want to.

How to gaining attention ?
* Attention, please !
* Excuse me
* Look here
* Listen to me, please
* Waiter ?
* Wow, really ?
* I'm listening

How to showing attention ?
* Look at you !
* How beautifull !
* What's the matter ?
* Is everything, all right ?
* Oh really ? Is it true ?
* Oh my god ! What happens ?
* Wow..really ?That's incredibble !

The axample about gaining attention :
Teacher : Attention please ! Next week we will have a test ! So, you must study to get a good score !
Students : OK, sir !

attention,please! oke guys, enough! :D

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